The rules should serve man, not the other way around.
There are sets of rules or laws that a person can neither understand nor grasp because they are too complicated or simply too many. How is a person supposed to remember more than 100 laws or rules? How is a person supposed to grasp the constant changes if he or she doesn't even have a say in whether or not he or she wants the law? And then it's not even about the number ... but also about the understanding and interpretation. So judges sometimes decide differently because they interpret or even want to interpret the law a little differently. So that this doesn't happen, we have rules that each group can define itself, but should adhere to the principles of how rules are created.
For better comprehensibility, a positive and a negative example should be given for each rule, or the reason why the rule should exist and what is not meant by it. To keep the number of rules within limits, all rules have a start and an end date. The start date indicates since when the rule exists, the end date until when it is valid. If the end date is exceeded, it must be reconsidered whether the rule is still needed or not. If not, the rule can go away, if yes, it must be voted whether it is updated or not. Then a new end date is set.