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Money Issues

Of course, money is also a topic at Helfa - after all, the whole society works with it at the moment. Also in the project it is allowed to talk about money, to give people tips how to do it better and if someone absolutely needs money, it can be given to him. But what we prefer is that all other methods should be tried first before money comes to the fore. We have already learned as children that the only solution is money and we have to learn again to get away from these ideas in order to be able to try new ways. For example, instead of being bought new, a tool can be given or at least borrowed from another member. This not only saves money, but is also recycling at a very high level. In the process, social competence and social responsibility increase, because we are dealing more and more with our fellow human beings again. At first, we will have problems with this because we are not used to dealing with people at all. "I know my drill. I don't know how others handle it." These sayings and views make us isolate ourselves more and more. The background is clear: capitalism has made it so that we can afford everything, at least some of the people, the larger part cannot,

We cannot live without money in the current situation. Nevertheless, we should try to find ways to deal with how we could do it. Because if we don't take the time to try, we will never manage to get away from money. In the end, it's not even about whether we work with money or not, it's just about whether we manage to finally give up our habitual patterns in order to save our future and that of our children.

A first start is that we separate the work from the money. The reason is very simple:
A human being is valuable because of who he is. And every human being should have the right to live. With the current monetary system, this is not possible, because whoever does not have money does not have the right to live. We see this with the people who cannot afford food on this earth and therefore starve. It is not work that makes us human, but life. This also applies to all other living beings on this planet, including the planet itself, which is our home.
However, without our own money, these living beings degenerate into things that we can buy, trade with, etc. For this reason it is important that we start to see and value life and all its possibilities without money. Since society needs it nevertheless, we at Helfa are still forced at the moment to see this means as a thing too and to use it. But then not as a vital element, but only a thing that society needs. Therefore it is alright, if then not only money can be talked about, but it is also given away - but not in return for a work, a favor or sons tein exchange, but only as a gift.